Gold Seal for Flight Instructors
Gold Seal is 100% FREE for CFIs
With exclusive instructor access, you'll be able to:
Assign Lessons
Help your students succeed with clear lesson preparation. Are steep turns or ground reference maneuvers next on the syllabus? How about short-field operations or go-arounds? Assign Gold Seal Ground School lessons and your students will arrive better prepared, every single time. Check their status using Gold Seal's proprietary InstructorView™.

Track Student Progress
Sophisticated student monitoring using InstructorView™ allows you to integrate ground and flight training, making it easy for you to follow your students' ground studies to identify and mitigate trouble spots.
View Quiz Results
Gold Seal archives every quiz that your students take. Every single one. These are available for review by both you and them. It's a powerful feature allowing you to locate specific problems that are hampering your students' ability to advance. Additionally, this can be used to estimate, in advance, the probability of success on the FAA Knowledge Test.

Earn Commissions
When you recommend Gold Seal to your students, you do so with confidence, knowing that you are equipping them for success. It's the perfect tool to help you perform your teaching role more effectively. For each new student that initially enrolls in a Gold Seal certificate/rating course, you can earn a $50 commission. We pay tens of thousands of dollars out EVERY MONTH and want to pay you, too. Indicate that you wish to receive commissions in your account profile, and we will automatically send you cash on the first of every month. It is an opportunity that you don't want to miss!
*Commissions are paid out the first business day of every month for the previous month's enrollments. Instructors must have commissions enabled and configured in their InstructorView before any enrollments will be eligible. Enrollments made before commissions are enabled will not be eligible for a commission.
Hear From Your Fellow CFIs

"Teaching someone how to fly is a BIG task. While very rewarding, it can be challenging to keep a student motivated to study. My solution is Gold Seal. Students come to their lessons with a solid foundation of knowledge that makes it simple for me to build upon. Instead of leaving the school and forgetting about aviation until they return, they stay productive and studying thanks to Gold Seal."
-Lisa Spencer, CFI/CFII/MEICalifornia, USA

"At Fresno Flight Training and Modesto Flight Training we understand how crucial ground instruction is. Gold Seal easily keeps us, and our students, on task. The ability to monitor our students and provide suitable reinforcement helps us achieve a very high pass rate for both written tests and checkrides. Gold Seal boosts students' self-confidence and is a major factor in their success. It is the only ground school we use."
-Marty Bevill, CFI/CFIICalifornia, USA