Gold Seal is the optimal tool for every flight school.
It features the most sophisticated administrative, reporting, and tracking features on the market. It's ready for action in your Part 61 or Part 141 program. Integrate your flight and ground training into a single, blended environment that helps your instructors, your students, AND your flight school administrators.
How much does this cost? NOTHING! Gold Seal with InstructorViewTM is 100% free with full course access for every FAA flight instructor and flight school. Your students pay, but for you, it's free.

Everybody Reports to Somebody
Students report to instructors, instructors report to chief instructors, and they report to flight school administrators. However your flight school is structured, handling a complex training environment doesn't have to be difficult. With Gold Seal, all of the connections and communications are taken care of for you. It's all about the smooth flow of information.
Instructors monitor their students allowing them to stay on track and identify problem areas early. Lesson assignments for students are generated directly from the InstructorViewTM dashboard with one click. This makes it easy to prevent students from arriving at flight lessons unprepared and provides confirmation directly to the CFIs.
Chief instructors and flight school administrators instantly see the big picture covering all instructors and all of their students. This built-in power and oversight enables everyone to work more efficiently. The Gold Seal training program was custom-programmed by our own developers, specifically designed for flight schools like yours. No matter how your school is structured, InstructorViewTM was built for you!
Gold Seal works flawlessly for any Part 61 training, but for Part 141 flight schools, it's even better! The Gold Seal Private & Instrument Ground Schools are FAA-APPROVED, and include:
- Student Lessons
- Stage Checks
- Student Records
- Part 141 Reports
Track Student Progress from Any Device
Flight instructors and flight school managers need quick access to student information. Use InstructorViewTM on your phone, tablet, or laptop computer for instant analysis of instructor and student data. Gold Seal makes it easy.
Check student progress, identify learning obstacles, and provide study assignments at any time from any place that provides internet access. Instructor/student reporting is always at your fingertips. No other ground school offers this type of capability.

Bulk Pricing Available
We're pleased to offer bulk pricing to flight schools who purchase courses on behalf of their students. The more students you enroll, the bigger your discount gets. And it never resets, so once you've earned the discount, it's yours to keep!
Gold Seal courses include the Knowledge Test Endorsement.
Frequently Asked Questions
For students, Gold Seal offers unique interactive lessons so the student is engaged in the learning process. Our lessons have built in study pauses to allow the student to reinforce the material before moving on.
For flight schools and independent CFIs, Gold Seal's InstructorViewTM provides the best management tool for assigning instructors and lessons to students and allows student monitoring so you know each student is arriving prepared for each flight.
Yes! Gold Seal's programs are ready to go in both Part 61 and Part 141 environments. There are no special versions needed for Part 141.
As many as the internet can hold! We don't limit the number of students or instructors you can have in InstructorViewTM.
A complete syllabus exists for the Private Pilot and Instrument Pilot courses. Use them for Part 61 instruction or for Part 141 instruction. Download them directly from the InstructorViewTM page.
Gold Seal provides free downloads of the FAA handbooks and also includes Lesson Resources with the associated lessons. These can be chapters from the FAA textbooks and publications, direct web links, or additional video links.
Absolutely, we understand flight schools often hire managers who aren't CFIs. Just contact us and we can get them InstructorViewTM access.
Simply navigate to the student you want to assign a lesson to, browse to the lesson you want to assign, and click the “Assign Lesson” button. You'll be able to set a due date, and the student will receive an assignment email automatically.
Nothing. Access to InstructorViewTM is free for all instructors and flight schools. You simply pay for the enrollment of each student in a course, and our bulk pricing and invoicing makes it a piece of cake. For students who purchase on their own, no problem. Access them from InstructorViewTM, too.
We get it! Sometimes you need some more information and just need to talk to a real human. Click here to contact us.